

I love you, sensuous damsels,
Passionate unwavering ladies,
Dames of all states, fragrant,
Flammable turtledoves,
Ripe, yet rooted shallow
And climbing low,
Wild flowers full of nectar,
Wholesome as frolicsome,
And you – sparkling stars,
With the countenance of angels,
Barely soothing the blind eye,
And although not deep,
Virgin granite cliffs
long-lasting, of significant value,
apple, pear and plum trees of paradise,
I am fond of all – elderly…
Radiate a desire for me,
Not to search an outlet, with no command,
Drown me in you leaving no remains,
So that I, sincerely not knowing what to do,
Soaked in you to the marrow,
Like a geyser bursting a full salvos,
A split volcanic crater,
Spitting fire of sodomy,
Enslaving bodies, absorbing souls,
I have tempted since long ago…

2012-06-25 11:22:35
Hmm ciekawy przedstawione pożadania kobiety , w poetycko ubrane słowa, cos wspaniałego, az mysli rozpalaja sie...
2011-01-25 18:25:13
cudownie intrygujący, kuszący
copyright Eremiasz Stanisławski