

The trees hummed faintly,
The grasses whispered softly,
Emptiness appeared from nowhere,
And the rainbow never rose again…
Hope, extinguishing in weary,
Fell into the arms of despair,
What should I do, alone,
stripped off a mother?..
Be saturated – blood demons avid
for their entrails, indecent lust,
entangled thoughts, consume the
sordid. Slimy dreams,
hunted, let them water you,
as long your soul polluted.
The moment will come,
When free, on a butterfly’s back
I will fly far above the clouds,
Where under mother nature’s eye
I will return the rainbow to life,
With raindrops the forest carpets
Of the world will be washed…
That will be my payment.

El¿bieta Boryniec
2013-07-20 18:30:10
To piêkny i g³êboki wiersz, trafiaj±cy w moj± wra¿liwo¶æ, te¿ (trochê) poetki. Chyba
wolê Pana jako poetê, wyczuwam tu du¿y potencja³ i proszê - niech Pan kontynuuje.
Tyle tylko, ¿e kipi w Panu energia i si³a, których poezja nie ujarzmi tak do koñca.
copyright Eremiasz Stanis³awski